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The City of Montgomery

10101 Montgomery Road
Montgomery, Ohio 45242

(513) 891-2424

  1. Tell us a little about Montgomery, Ohio.

Montgomery is a vibrant, high-quality, family-oriented suburb of 10,800 located northeast of Cincinnati, Ohio.  The City embraces its future while valuing the traditions and history of its past.  It is known for its small-town feel, excellent schools, historic downtown and vibrant community life.

  1. How does the City set priorities and goals for the community?

City Council and City staff use strategic planning to set long-term goals, which provide purposeful guidance and direction for the activities of the organization.  As part of the strategic planning process, the City partners with the University of Cincinnati to complete a resident survey to get feedback from the community to help set the strategic direction of the City for the next five year.  The City also completes a Comprehensive Plan with input from residents, business owners, visitors and appointed and elected officials that sets the vision for land use policy.  

  1. What initiatives or programs does the City have in place to encourage community engagement?

Community engagement is very important to the City as we value partnering with stakeholders to help us build a premier community.  While we have many opportunities and programs to encourage community engagement, one of the most successful programs has been the Montgomery Citizen’s Leadership Academy, which gives residents an opportunity to learn more about how local government works.  More information about the City’s community engagement opportunities can be found on the City’s website.

  1. What events and programs does the City have for residents and visitors?

There are a wide variety of events and programs for the whole family, including six beautiful parks, a community pool, fitness classes, youth summer camps, and americana hometown special events, like the July 3rd concert, the July 4th parade and festival and of course the ever-popular Bastille Day celebration.

  1. What are the upcoming development projects that the City is working on?

There are several development projects occurring in the City, including projects at Bethesda North Hospital, Sycamore Community Schools, the Vintage Club and Twin Lakes.  However, the biggest development project is Montgomery Quarter, located at the intersection of Montgomery Road and the terminus of Ronald Regan/Cross County Highway.  The Montgomery Quarter is a premier mixed-use development and includes a boutique hotel, meeting and event space and amenities such as a bar, spa and retro game room and lounge.  The development will ultimately include about 30,700 square feet of retail and restaurant space, 98,000 square feet of office space, and 387 luxury apartments, a potential entertainment-type use.   

  1. How does the City partner with the Montgomery Ohio Chamber of Commerce?

The City partners with the Montgomery Ohio Chamber of Commerce to help promote businesses within the community through the website, social media, the Montgomery insert in Cincinnati Magazine and most recently through a fun event called Vegas in the Village.  

  1. What is the key to the City’s success?

The key to the City’s success lies in building strong relationships with stakeholders to work together to build a premier community.  Building a special community like Montgomery doesn’t happen without partners, such as the residents, schools, businesses, churches and local service groups pulling in the same direction.  City Staff, led by a City Council which values engagement, transparency and good governance, works hard every day in the best interest of the community and truly care about making Montgomery a special place to live, work and play.

  1. What is one of the biggest challenges facing the City?

One of the biggest challenges facing the city of Montgomery, Ohio, could be managing growth and development while preserving its small-town charm and quality of life.  Community engagement and thoughtful urban planning will be crucial in addressing these challenges while ensuring sustainable development for the future.

  1. How does the local government promote diversity, equity, and inclusivity within the community?

City Council and administration believe the infusion of diverse cultures, faiths, and customs enriches social and civic life and is a positive development for the community.  The Diversity and Inclusion Committee was created in 2018 and was approved as a formal commission on December 1, 2021.  The Commission hosts helps nurture and promote diversity in the community through Bulletin articles, educational speakers and fun and festive events.  

  1. What initiative is the City working on that people might be surprised to learn about? 

While the City provides essential services like all cities, we recognize the increasing importance of addressing residents’ mental health needs, highlighted during the prolonged 2020 pandemic. Montgomery City Council and City Staff are committed to leading efforts to reduce stigma around mental illness and promote awareness, advocacy, and education on mental health and wellbeing. This initiative marks a non-traditional but proactive role for our government, building on Montgomery’s history of innovative municipal governance.

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